Compact and Ergonomic with clear and informative Display.

Compact and Ergonomic with clear and informative Display.

Fits comfortably into your hand to ensure reliable one handed use. Key shot information is displayed on an industry leading display. No more struggling to quickly read your time.

Standard AAAs and long battery life.

Standard AAAs and long battery life.

This efficient timer works hard and smart to maximize battery life. It can run for weeks (yes, you read correctly, not hours, not days, - weeks of continuous use),Commander uses standard AAA size batteries of any chemistry, it will take anything, got rechargeable - yep, those too.

Link with PractiScore

Link with PractiScore

Record time at matches with free integration in PractiScore app and analyze match results with PractiScore Competitor app or keep log of your practice with PractiScore Log app.

PractiScore Log Integration

PractiScore Log Integration

PractiScore Log app connects with the Commander and saves all your practice runs.

- Record time for every shot
- Analyze and compare multiple runs side by side

- Shows time charts for selected runs

- Shows stats for your practice sessions

- Annotate/tag recorded data and filter by selected tags

- Export data to Excel/CSV for archiving and additional processing



Easy to use presets so you can switch quickly between different predefined shot detection parameters. You no longer need to have two timers per squad or dig into menus just to change the sensitivity and beep volume, do it once and simply call that preset when needed.

Digitally adjusted sensitivity

Digitally adjusted sensitivity

100% digital adjustment, no screwdrivers involved. Commander is sensitive enough to pick up dry fire. Imagine you are at an outdoor range, quiet PCC, isn't that a perfect scenario for 5 re-shoots, nope..., not with this timer.

Instant or Delayed start.

Instant or Delayed start.

Instant, delayed, or a combination of both on demand. Easy to choose, easy to change.

Multiple Pars

Multiple Pars

Multiple par times? Need a par to check your draw technique? Mag change? Something else? You've got up to 3 extra beeps on demand if you need them.

Adjustable Beep Volume.

Adjustable Beep Volume.

Adjustable beep volume so that it can be loud enough to pierce through double hearing protection or make it soft and quiet so when you dry fire you won't wake up whole house.

Let's recap.

- Compact, ergonomic design

- Clear and informative display with largest time digits

- Uses any off-shelf batteries

- Up to 17 days of continuous match use on a single set of regular batteries. Even if they are close to depletion, you still have enough time to comfortably finish your match

- Simple, straight forward, intuitive interface with only 3 navigation buttons, one hand operation

- Loud beep: 105dB, 1.5kHz for those who have trouble hearing high frequency tones

- Adjustable beep volume

- Digitally adjustable sensitivity, you can pick up anything, 9mm, .22 cal, AR, Shotgun, PCC, CO2, hammer fall, striker fall, suppressed, you name it, it will hear anything

- Instant or Delayed start

- Multiple Par times

- Presets

- Durable design

- 3 strings memory

- Ability to display 3 strings simultaneously to compare shots

- Auto Power off

- Up to 10 minutes long string time, so you can time those long 3-gun stages

- For over a year every aspect of design was tested extensively in the field by differents shooters, at different ranges, with different guns, different ammo, at types of matches

- Made in USA

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